12 Quintessential Local Recipes to Try on Your Path of Totality Roadtrip

Listen. I know you didn't drive all the way to Buffalo, New York, to eat buffalo wings (at least not this time around). But I do know that now that you're (1) in Buffalo, New York and (2) on a high waiting for, having witnessed, or having just seen a total freaking solar eclipse, you're going to want to celebrate. And once you've eaten the world's best buffalo wings, you're never going to get them out of your brain.

All this to say: Enjoy your path of totality fun times. Also, enjoy some of these wild and fantastic dishes while you're there—wherever that might be. And when you get home and are craving a meal from one of the coolest trips of your life, we've got the best possible versions of those recipes.

Happy 2024 eclipse! Happy eating! We're all tiny specks of nonsense on a floating blue marble, etc., etc.

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