How to make delicious, unique chicken salad for family meals

Chicken salad is a popular dish in Vietnamese cuisine because of its simple preparation, easy-to-find ingredients and very little oil. With the ways to make delicious chicken salad that are simple, unique, and not boring that shares below, we hope you will have more choices for yourself.

chicken salad
Chicken salad is a very popular dish among Vietnamese people. Photo: Internet

According to scientists, chicken meat has many vitamins that are beneficial to health such as: vitamins A, B1, B2, C, E, calcium, acid, iron, phosphorus... along with fat and many other nutrients. Chicken is very easy to absorb and digest. Adding chicken to your daily diet will help the body eliminate the risk of cancer, depression, cardiovascular problems and increase resistance. Let's take a look at how to make delicious chicken salad below.

Sharing some delicious and unique ways to make chicken salad

Chicken and cabbage salad is cool and rich


  • 1 medium cabbage (about 400g)
  • 500 - 700g chicken breast meat
  • 150g crushed roasted peanuts
  • 150ml vinegar
  • Fried onion
  • Spices: sugar, fish sauce
  • A little coriander and chili

Implementation steps

Boil and shred chicken: Clean chicken, wash with diluted salt water, drain and boil. Then, you separate the chicken and shred it into small, long strips.

How to make chicken salad
Chicken shredded into bite-sized pieces. Photo: Internet

Prepare ingredients:  Cut cabbage into small strips, soak in diluted salt water, wash and drain.

How to make chicken and cabbage salad
Cool cabbage is rich in nutrients. Photo: Internet

Wash the chili peppers, cut them lengthwise, remove the seeds, and cut them into long strips.

Remove the crushed parts of the coriander, wash, chop finely and set aside.

Mix the salad dressing:  Put in a bowl 150ml vinegar, 3 tablespoons sugar, 3 tablespoons fish sauce and stir well.

Mix salad:  Put cabbage, chicken, shredded chili, roasted peanuts, laksa leaves, fried onions and salad dressing into a bowl and mix well. Adjust the seasonings to taste, pour the chicken and cabbage salad onto a plate and enjoy.

Delicious banana flower chicken salad for cold days


  • 200g chicken breast meat
  • 1 banana flower (about 300g)
  • 1 carrot
  • 1 western onion
  • Soup broth
  • 150g crushed roasted peanuts
  • Garlic, chili
  • 1 little coriander, herbs, or marjoram
  • Spices: rice vinegar, sugar, fish sauce, pepper, salt

Implementation steps

Process materials

Wash and dry chicken breast. Then boil it and tear it into bite-sized pieces. Cut banana flowers thinly and soak them in diluted salt water with lemon juice for about 20 minutes, take them out and drain.

Pick the herbs carefully, wash them, drain them and cut them into small pieces.

Peel the carrots, wash them, and grate them into small pieces. Onion remove the dry skin, wash and cut thinly, soak in ice cold water.

Minced garlic and chili.

Make chicken salad dressing

This step will determine 80% of the deliciousness of banana flower chicken salad, so you should apply the following recipe, put in a bowl: 1 teaspoon sugar, 1 teaspoon lemon juice, 1 teaspoon vinegar , 1/2 teaspoon of delicious fish sauce, 1/2 tablespoon of minced garlic, 1/2 tablespoon of minced chili, 1/2 teaspoon of salt, use a spoon to mix the spices well until the mixture is uniform.

Chicken and cabbage salad
Mix salad dressing according to recipe. Photo: Internet

Mix the salad: Put shredded chicken, banana flowers, onions, and carrots in a large bowl, then mix well with the salad dressing prepared earlier. Next, you mix the ingredients well to absorb the spices and wait about 15 minutes, then pour out the water in the bowl. Arrange the salad on a plate and add roasted peanuts and herbs on top for decoration.

Lotus root chicken salad is refreshing and delicious

Lotus root chicken salad is crispy when eaten, combined with chewy chicken meat, shredded carrots, thinly sliced ​​cucumbers, mixed with a cool sweet and sour taste that will make you ecstatic.


  • 300g lotus root
  • 500 - 700g chicken breast meat
  • 1 cucumber
  • 1 carrot
  • 1 onion
  • Minced chili and garlic
  • Lemon juice, fried onions
  • 50g crushed roasted peanuts
  • 1 little Vietnamese coriander
  • Spices: Fish sauce, sugar, vinegar, salt

Implementation steps

Process materials

Wash and drain the chicken breast, then boil it and tear it into bite-sized pieces. Wash the lotus roots clean of mud, cut into pieces, soak for about 15 minutes in water mixed with lemon and sugar, then take them out and drain. This will help prevent the lotus tiles from turning dark.

How to make lotus root chicken salad
Soak lotus roots in lemon juice and sugar to prevent them from turning black. Photo: Internet

Wash the cucumber, cut it in half, remove the inner layer, then cut into thin, bite-sized slices.

Peel the onion, cut it into thin slices, and soak it in ice cold water to keep it crispy and the smell less pungent.

Peel the carrots and grate them into small strips.

Pick all the leaves from the coriander leaves, wash them and cut them into small pieces.

Mix the chicken salad mixture:  Put in a bowl 1 teaspoon of garlic, minced chili, 1 tablespoon of lemon juice, 1 tablespoon of sugar, 3 tablespoons of fish sauce and stir well until the mixture is homogeneous.

Mix salad:  Put shredded chicken, soaked lotus root, carrots, cucumber, onion, and laksa leaves in a large bowl. Pour the chicken salad dressing into the mixture, mix well and season to taste. Leave for about 15 - 20 minutes to let the spices absorb evenly.

How to make delicious chicken salad
Lotus tile chicken salad is refreshing and attractive. Photo: Internet

Exotic Thai-style chicken, onion and carrot salad

Chicken, onion and carrot salad is not greasy, not boring to eat, brings a feeling of frugality, sour and spicy, easy to please anyone. Chicken, onion and carrot salad can be rolled with rice paper, dipped in fish sauce or eaten with white rice, it is very delicious.


  • 300g chicken thigh meat
  • 1 onion
  • 1 carrot
  • Bean sprouts
  • Laksa leaves
  • Lemon, chili, garlic
  • Roasted and crushed peanuts
  • Spices: fish sauce, sugar, pepper, salt, soup powder

Implementation steps

Process materials

Chicken meat is rubbed with salt, washed and boiled. Take it out and let it cool, then use your hands to tear the chicken into bite-sized pieces.

Pick the coriander carefully, wash it and cut it into small pieces.

Peel the onion, wash it, cut the threads, and soak it in ice water to make the onion crispier. Then take it out and let it dry.

Peel the carrots and grate them into strips.

Peel garlic and chop finely. Fresh chili peppers, remove stems, wash and chop.

Soak bean sprouts in salt water, wash, take out and drain.

Prepare the chicken salad dressing:  Mix the salad dressing according to the following ratio: 2 tablespoons fish sauce, 1 tablespoon sugar, 1/4 teaspoon soup powder, juice of 1 lemon, chopped garlic and chili. Put all ingredients in a bowl and stir well.

Mix chicken salad:  Put shredded chicken, laksa leaves, carrots, bean sprouts, onions and salad dressing in a large bowl, mix all ingredients well, season to taste and leave for about 5 - 7 minutes for the salad to absorb the spices.

How to make chicken and onion salad
Chicken and onion salad is easy to please anyone. Photo: Internet

Put the salad on a plate, sprinkle with crushed roasted peanuts, and you can decorate with a few coriander stalks and a chili flower to increase the appeal of the chicken-onion-carrot salad.

Chicken salad with laksa leaves is simple but delicious


  • 300g chicken breast meat
  • Laksa leaves
  • Onion
  • Green chili
  • Common spices: salt, pepper, sugar, vinegar, MSG

Implementation steps

Process materials

Wash and drain the chicken breast, then boil it and tear it into bite-sized pieces.

Wash and slice onions and soak them in cold water to increase crispness and reduce the pungent smell.

Remove damaged leaves from coriander, wash and cut into small pieces.

Chicken and onion salad
Prepare coriander. Photo: Internet

Wash and slice chili peppers.

Make the chicken salad dressing:  Add to a bowl the following spices: sliced ​​chili, 4 tablespoons vinegar, 1/2 teaspoon MSG, 1/2 teaspoon salt, 2 tablespoons sugar, 2 tablespoons fish sauce , stir until the mixture is homogeneous.

Mix salad:  Put shredded chicken, laksa leaves, and onions in a large bowl. Then slowly add the salad dressing into the bowl, squeeze well and leave for about 5-7 minutes for the salad to absorb the spices and then you can enjoy the dish.

How to make chicken salad with laksa leaves
New with chicken salad with laksa leaves. Photo: Internet

General finished product requirements

  • The chicken salad looks eye-catching, has a rich flavor, and has a moderate sweet and sour taste, stimulating the taste buds of the eater. Especially, do not let the salad become too watery.
  • The chicken must be rich and well absorbed with spices.
  • Mixed ingredients such as onions, carrots, coriander, cabbage, lotus roots, and banana flowers must be fresh, crispy, delicious, and refreshing.

Some note

  • Chicken should only be boiled until done, do not over-boil it as it will cause the meat to become friable and the dish will not be delicious.
  • Choose lotus roots, cabbage, banana flowers and other fresh vegetables to make the salad more delicious.
  • Prepare ingredients carefully, use gloves when mixing salad to ensure food hygiene and safety.
  • You should season it appropriately to suit your family's taste.

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